/*                 ___                                 _                     */
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/*               | (_) | '_/ _` | ' \/ _` / -_) '_/ _ \  _(_-<               */
/*                \___/|_| \__,_|_||_\__, \___|_| \___/\__/__/               */
/*                                   |___/                                   */
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/*               |___/\__,_|\__\__,_| |___/ \_,_|_|_|_| .__/                 */
/*                                                    |_|                    */

Hello, World!

I am Orangerot. I am a computer science student living in germany/europe/earth/
milkyway. I am a open source and free software enthusiast, care about privacy
and repairable technology.

Here I rant about technology and show of my projects. I always have a long list
of ideas but too little time (and I am bad with time management). 

You can find my projects on GitLab, GitHub and on my local git forge! 

Other publications you can find in articles or in my archive.

For now you can contact me on [matrix] @orangerot:matrix.org. Or
IRL if you are nice enough. 
tinfoil hat

Personal Information ich_iel, quotes

I like cyberpunk, synth wave (dark wave)

My motto:
> A deadline is the best motivation.
> Boredom is the second best motivation.

Consuuummed / Recommendation
[-/+] = consumed, will consume 

- Jack Stauber 
- Carpenter Brut

Books [I try to read them but most times I abandon a book mid way :D]
- Atomic Habits 
- Hooked
+ Snow Crash
+ Neuromancer 

- The Shivering Truth
~ Don't hug me I am scared
- Black Mirror

+ Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
+ Death Note
+ Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
+ Chainsaw Man (Makima <3)
+ Is the Order a Ribbit? (as seen on baby wogue)
+ Arcane
+ Death Note
+ Ghost of the Shell (Stand Alone Complex; Arise)
+ Armitage III
+ Cowboy Bebop
+ Serial Experiments Lain
- Shonan Bakusozoku
- Mirai nikki
- Battle Angel Alita

+ Montana Sacra
+ La Casa
+ French Dispatch
+ Asteroid City
+ Violet Evergarden
- Pearl

- Ian Hubert
- Hieronymus Bosch
- Caspar David Friedrich


Nice people to check out:
- https://jorisgutjahr.eu/

2023 Orangerot