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/*                                                    |_|                    */
|   + /index.html  + /article  + /archive  + https://source.orangerot.dev/    |

Ciriculum Vitae

This is mostly a placeholder. 

School Career Path

Heat Death

present  Computer Science Bachelor (BSc)
 |       Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2021     Internship (IT)
 |       Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
 +       High School Diploma (Abitur)
 |       Luisen-Gymnasium Bergedorf & Hansa-Gymnasium Bergedorf, Hamburg
2017     Internship (Technical Product Designer)
 |       Koerber Technologies / Hauni Maschinenbau

Big Bang



: MINT-EC Certificate - level 3 with excellence
: NATEX 2018 - first place (Honored in the Town Hall)
: Jugend forscht 2020 - first place regional compitition (Honored in the Town Hall)
: Jugend forscht 2021 - second place state compitition (Honored by Mayor while Corona)
: Jugend hackt 2017,19,21 



: Board of Directors of University Group [202 Accepted] welcoming Freshmen
: IT-Tutor, Treasurer, Floor-Speaker in Dorm



: Coding & Programming everything from Websites to Mircocontrollers
: Hardware Modifications as in flashing BIOS Chips or extending my Casio F-91W
: Digital Art, crafting Memes, stickers or LaTeX-P*rn
: Hacker-Conferences, eating Gulasch
: Casual Videogames 

Copyright 2024 Orangerot